Home improvement

Top 5 Advantages Of Using Finger Joint Woods In Home Construction

Home construction is a hectic task. Also, it is a costly project. But the most difficult part is to choose fittings and materials that you should use for the construction. You may find it difficult to select items that are cost-effective and as well as durable. For people who are still indecisive, Finger Joint Wood (ไม้ จ๊ อย, which is the term in Thai) is the right choice.

These woods are extremely useful when you require a long length of a wooden structure. Long wooden lumbers are made by adjacently attaching wood layers or molding them. With finger woods, this task becomes a bit easier. Manufacturers make structural and non-structural materials by these woods.

Finger woods have finger-like extensions at both ends of the wooden layer. These extensions are wooden small and sharp ‘fingers’ that are attached to the ‘fingers’ of the other wooden layer to give a longer structure. The fingers are linked by glue or adhesives.

The finger woods can be placed at a 180 angle or 90-degree angle too. To attach at a 90-degree angle, you don’t require any molding as the fingers would be attached. Thus, woods are not wasted and the installation process becomes shorter too. This finger joint wood is used mainly for door and floor construction.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Finger Joint Woods?

There are multiple benefits of using finger wood instead of normal wood lumbers. Let us look into these benefits.

  • Finger woods are quite durable and strong as no molding or shaping of wood is involved. The core strength of the wood remains the same and the fingers attach the layers making the structure strong.
  • Finger woods are inexpensive compared to normal lumbers. This is because the fingers are made up of left-over woods. As manufacturing cost is less, buyers get them at a reasonable price.
  • It takes less installation time as molding and twisting of woods are not needed.
  • Finger woods give a high-end finish to the structure with consistent quality. The joints are tested before installation and the woods provide strong protection against damage.
  • Finger woods are environment-friendly as the leftover woods are utilized to make the fingers. Thus wasted woods are reused. Also, as molding is not involved, less wood is required for the construction.

Finger joints wood are, therefore, eco-friendly, budget-friendly, and long-lasting. Hence, consider maximizing the use of finger woods in home construction to save up money and enjoy the advantages.