
7 Tips On How To Protect Your Fruit Trees From The Harsh Winter Weather

Whatever the winter brings, it is always best to prepare for it in the fall. So, if you are looking to make sure that your fruit trees are taken care of, read on. We have prepared 7 useful tips on keeping your trees still standing when spring comes around the corner.

Protect the young trees

The key to being prepared is to monitor the weather. If you are expecting a local frost, protect the young trees first! A Texas tree nursery would advise you to use a tree guard. This is very useful when there is a temperature inversion or hard freeze.

Potted trees should be moved to a shelter

If you notice what they do at a Texas tree nursery, potted trees are moved to a shelter before winter comes. This is a lot easier to deal with than those that are rooted outside. Be sure to water them thoroughly until the soil is moist. During an expected frost, your house’s south-facing wall is a great place to keep them because of the warmth.

Start picking the ripe fruits

Another observation at a Texas tree nursery is that one should start picking the ripe fruits for them to not spoil or go to waste when the winter comes. Note that the temperature may vary but it’s better to be safe than sorry! Besides, once it drops down to 30 degrees Fahrenheit, it’ll go down quickly.

Add more mulch

Before you add more mulch, you must first remove the existing ones. Rake it under the trees as soon as the cold season begins. This will allow the sun’s heat to reach the soil during the day. In the evening, this heat will be transferred to the trees. Then, you start to add a thick layer of mulch to protect the roots.

Know the right type of mulch to use

Of course, if you are going to add mulch, you have to know the right type to use. Shredded wood mulch of about 3 to 4 inches is always a good idea.

Utilize natural insulation

As much as possible, you must utilize natural insulation. Insulation is necessary, especially for the tree’s roots. When branches are damaged, these will grow back easily. However, if this happens to the roots, you’ll be in trouble. Some great examples of natural insulation include pine needles, bark mulch, straw, and evergreen boughs, leaves or compost.

Use snow as an insulator

Did you know that you can also use snow as an insulator? Yes, you heard that right – temporarily, though! Snow can act as a protective blanket and, when they melt, it’ll provide moisture to your trees.

Final Thoughts: Preparing for the winter season!

To summarize everything, you must beware of local frosts, start by protecting the young ones, and research on the best type of insulator for your fruit trees. It can be a lot of work but all of this is definitely worth it for your growing fruit trees.

If you are looking for a reputable source of fruit trees, nut trees, tropical trees, and more, Bob Wells Nursery is a Texas tree nursery that ships trees all over the United States.